I learned about XCP-NG not to log ago and love it. It’s great and easy to use. My only issue is I guess on newer versions of Windows 10/Server 2019 they were having freezing issues. I had the issue with Windows 10. I just went with Windows 7 VMs for what I needed until they get the problem worked out. XCP-NG works great with Linux. Here are some useful commands I’ve found.

List VMs xe vm-list

Lower RAM needed for VM that was built from a template. You can also do this for the dom0 which is the main VM that runs everything. They say not to do it, but it’s been working for me xe vm-param-set memory-static-min=512MiB uuid=UUID-FOUND-FROM-LIST-ABOVE

Setting the XCP-NG to allow Auto-Start. Since by default you can enable it on each VM, but it still doesn’t work until you do the below.

  1. Gather the UUIDs of the pools you wish to auto-start.
  2. To get the list of the pools on your XenServer, run `xe pool-list`
  3. Copy the UUID of the pool. If you have just one server, it will still have a pool UUID as noted in the following
  4. Then type the following command to set the pool or server to allow auto-start:

xe pool-param-set uuid=UUID other-config:auto_poweron=true Note: Replacing UUID with the UUID of the XenServer or pool.

Setting the Virtual Machines to Auto-Start

  1. Gather the UUIDs of the Virtual Machine you want to auto-start by running `xe vm-list`.
  2. Copy the UUID of the Virtual Machines you want to auto-start, and run the following command for each Virtual Machine to auto-start:

xe vm-param-set uuid=UUID other-config:auto_poweron=true Note: Replace UUID with the UUID of the Virtual Machine to auto-start. obtained in step 1