By default the prefix is Ctrl+B for tmux

How to save pane to file

  1. Use prefix + :

  2. We need to puts those lines into a buffer by typing in capture-pane -S -150 | Replace -150 with however many lines you’d like to save, or - for all lines.

  3. Hit return (enter)

  4. Now we have to save the buffer to a file by doing the following prefix + :

  5. Type in save-buffer filename.txt

  6. Hit return (enter)

Synchronize Panes

  1. Use prefix + :

  2. setw synchronize-panes on to enable synchronizing

  3. Hit return (enter)

  4. Now everything you type will be in each pane

Disable Synchronizing Panes

  1. Use prefix + :

  2. When you’re ready to disable type setw synchronize-panes off

  3. Hit return (enter)

  4. Everything will be back to normal